Why You Should Vote Trump in 2020   Leave a comment

There is a sick system in this country. It is wrought with corruption, because it is being run by evil people who serve their own best interest, rather then the interest of the people they are supposed to be serving. It is a dreadnought machine that has devolved from being the freest country in the world…a place that people around the world still dream of coming to based on our past reputation…our past reality. To being a country that is now only ranked as the 21st freest country in the world. Our country was founded on freedoms that were unprecedented in the world at the time of its inception. Those concepts, set fourth by our forefathers, made the USA, a young country, the greatest country on earth within a short period in history. This happened because the philosophies of true freedom, inspire people to greater heights then are even possible in places where freedom doesn’t exist. Under freedom innovation flowers, and people Excell because opportunity is there for everyone. So it is not only the privileged and ingrained that are determining the direction of the country. It is the best man, woman, or even child, for the job. In a free system, which we once were, the best minds, the best ideas, the best of everything rises to the top. And there is a pride in being part of it, and part of true freedom, because not only are you serving yourself, but you are serving a country that is easy to be proud of, and in the end the entire population of the world by providing them with innovations that can make their country a better place. And more importantly, inspire them to create more freedoms in their own countries, because they can see how happy and prosperous it has made ours. We were the greatest country on earth without a doubt, but we have fallen. So make America great again? Fuck yes please.


If you are an intelligent being with an investigative mind, just think about the reality of what is happening right now. please just Contemplate, ponder, and research to find the truth for yourself, using the clues that I am about to give you.

The media, every medium and every outlet, is owned by the powers that be right now. What is conveyed to us, is exactly what they want us to know, and generally what we believe, is exactly what they are trying to make us believe. If you are not on board with their agenda, then you will not be part of their message being pumped into the minds of the world 24 hours per day. If you stand in stark contrast to their agendas, and you gain any kind of purchase with a message that goes against their agenda, they will use the power of the media, to assassinate your character using any means possible. Truth is inconsequential to them. They don’t want you to know the truth, they want you to conform to their agenda, which is invariably bad for you. It’s bad for you, because it is an agenda based on greed, not a truth or concept that advances the ideals of freedom for all.
The fact that the media is trying so hard to assassinate trump, is Proof that he is not part of their dreadnought machine. Just by being president, he is effectivly outing everyone who is part of the machine. They are showing their ugly colors, in a desparate attempt to squash him at all cost, because he is not part of their gang. He’s muscling in on their territory…you. They are the ones joining the movement to crucify him. Hillary is clearly evil. So people who support hillary and are trying to shoot down trump at all costs, are the people who are the puppets of the ultra rich. The more the media tries to convince us that trump is a maniac, the more I feel I should support for him just because they fear him so much. They fear him so much, because he is not part of their enslavement machine. Obama, hillary all the evil people don’t want him in there, because he is not with them.
The fact that the evil people of the world are on the war path about trump, confirms that we are on the right trail by supporting him. By their actions, they are telling us that he is not part of them. He is an inside outsider. That is to say he is a wealthy individual, but he is not goose stepping in with their agenda to soak the rest of us and usurp our natural rights and the freedoms provided for us by the constitution of the United States of America.

1. Do not accept the clips shown to you by the malicious media. They frequently take things their enemies say out of context, and edit it to make them look like they are saying something they never did. Find the original source, and watch/listen to the whole thing.

2. Look back at Trumps media history and honestly ask yourself, did you perceive him as a racist before they started telling you he was a racist? Because calling someone a racist is an easy way to make us hate him. I challenge you to watch all of his speeches yourself and watch everything you can of his media history. Was he ever considered racist before, or is it just since he gained enough purchase with the American people. After watching all of his speeches, and logically analyzing what he said, do you still think he is a racist? Or do you think perhaps your view was manipulated by media bias?

3. Trump has had some moments when he has gotten bent out of shape. Watch the full video of those moments. Was he provoked? Was he retaliating against attempted railroading? Have you ever had to try and defend yourself in your own life against rediculous accusations? Do you always react perfectly in you most ideal way? I have seen videos of every politician running saying something questionable. Politics is a very high stress game, especially if you are not conforming to the machine. Watch videos of the other candidates. Have they done the same?

4. Take my Who said what? Test. It is a test designed to demonstrate that what you believe is not necessarily true, it’s only what we’ve been fed. I take out all identifying factors, and then Put name calling quotes out their from both sides, and see if people can see which ones come from the left, and which are from the right.

5. Try telling an avid hillary supporter, who is close to you, that you are voting for trump and gage their reaction. Do they fly off the handle? Do they start spouting media memes? Do they threaten to disown you? These are signs of the maniacal ravings of a blind follower. A demographic of people extremely susceptible to NLP, a subtle form of mental manipulation designed to push people into the realm of irrational extremism. It puts them in an agitated fervor of focused belief. These are the same methods cults use to obtain and ensnare followers, and create minions who will defend those misguided ideals beyond all rational conclusion to the point of disregarding their own self interest and even at their own peril. Is this happening to people you love or are close to?

6. Is hillary really being truthful with the American republic? Google hillary law suits, hillary purgary, hillary fracking, hillary Benghazi, wiki leaks October surprise, hillary warmonger, hillary wallstreet connection, Hillary secretary of state failures,

Trump has done a lot for the people during his time in office. He has brought our economy back from the brink of implosion. While Obama was trying to find and imprison people for not being able to afford his overpriced “affordable health care”, trump repealed the part of the law that would have cost millions of us money, and sent no small amount of us to jail. I for one would like to see what he does next.
Will he boost the economy even further?

Will he take down the deep state?

Will he send crooked Hillary to prison where she belongs?

One thing is for certain. He will continue to be the monkeywrench in their doomsday machine.

Stay tuned in!


Posted May 29, 2019 by Salty Dawg Salvage in Uncategorized

Durka Durka bitches! an unedited very un-PC Novel 1st chapters. Please leave feedback   Leave a comment

The exploited’s “Sex and Violence” blared through the speakers of the stereo system of the white trash apartment. It was poorly lit and filled with garbage and increments of bad living. It belonged to a raven haired slut with too much make-up and a tramp stamp he had met at a sleazy club last night. She was throwing back shots like she was on Spring Break and bragging about her kegels. After a night of uninhibited blackout sex, her head was stuck in her toilet vomiting from the exorbitant amount of liquor she had consumed, while he fucked her from behind. Each wretch brought a vaginal contraction that squeezed his dick like a boa constrictor without a gag reflex. The only thing that would have made it better is if she could make it vibrate. Jack knew he wasn’t gonna last much longer with his sausage in this pressure cooker. He put his cigar in his mouth and grabbed the toilet seat and slammed it down on her head several times. She screamed out.

“you dirty fucking bastard”.

He shoved her head deeper into the toilet in response. She gurgle in the toilet water. It wasn’t exactly clean. He took a large swig out of the bottle of jack in his right hand, and then took a puff off of the big ass cigar in his left to distract his mind a little and prolong the feeling of euphoria. Between heaves she swore a stream of profanity that would have made a sailor blush. He momentarily wondered if he should stop banging her and slowed down, but she started screaming at him.

“you’d better not stop fucking me! If you don’t make me cum before I stop puking, I’m gonna fuck you up!”.

He started thrusting violently, doing his best to literally damage her pussy. She threw up massively and then groaned like a cat and heat that morphed into a scream of pleasure. Jack couldn’t hold out any more and filled her with a deluge of baby batter. His mammoth dong dropped out of her sluiced hole like she was a farm animal giving birth. She sat there twitching for a good minute and then went back to vomiting. He took another slug of jack and set it amongst the jungle of hair product, makeup, and scrunchies on the already cluttered sink. He stood over her, his dick now going flaccid. He reached down and grabbed her by a patch of her hair devoid of chunks and lifted her head up and to the side. He threw his cigar into the bowl of multi-colored pool of gravy chunks and then started peeing into it as the cigar hissed in its rage against the water. Most of it made it into the toilet, a little hit her in the face. She didn’t seem to notice or care. Her puking was finally slowing down though. Once he was done relieving himself he let her head go back into to the toilet. He put the seat down on her head and reached over and flushed the toilet. His mother didn’t raise no I’ll mannered gentlemen. Her lethargic retarded voice echoed in the bowl.

“what’s going on”.

Jack grabbed the bottle of jack and walked into the living room. He lit a joint and took a few hits. The tv was on a news channel. Apparently another terrorist attack had happened. Isis was claiming responsibility again.

“dirty little motherfuckers! If I had a lick of dough in my pocket, I’d fly right the fuck over there and murder the fuck out of every last one of those extremist pig fuckers. Uncle Shitty is dropping the motherfucking ball on this shit”.

Then out of the corner of his ear he caught a peep of what the newscaster was saying

“…but on a positive note, if you happen to want to vacation in a war zone, the airlines are offering round trip tickets for only fifty dollars”.

Those words stuck in his craw. well he was pretty sure it was his craw. Although now that he thought about it, he really wasn’t sure exactly what a craw was. It sounded like maybe it was a rotting phantom vagina. Nevertheless, his mind started buzzing. He paced back and forth for a minute wading through the filth of whats-her-fucks apartment and spoke to himself out loud.

“ that was like a sign from the goddamn universe if ever there was one. I literally asked for money to go and take out the terrorists, and the universe immediately responded with a solution. A golden ticket. A fifty dollar round trip ticket to the Durka Durka circus. Maybe everything that’s happened to me in the last few months was leading up to this moment…this revelation. If anyone can wipe his butt with Isis, it’s me…”

He paused as his adrenaline ramped up at the thought of what he was thinking of doing. The toilet voice issued from the other room.

“where the fuck am i”.

He ignored it and sat down and took another drink. He thought short and hard about what he was contemplating. It could be a one way trip to hell. But he felt he had spent his entire life becoming who he was for a reason, and maybe the reason was this. An assault on the evil here on earth. He was not one for long bouts of indecisiveness.

“fuck it. I’ve got nothing left to live for anymore anyways. May as well die doing something worthwhile. Who wants to grow old anyways. That’s gross. Sit around babbling and drooling for the last twenty years, crapping your pants to the beat of music that’s no longer relevant. Fuck that.”.

He spied his Obama phone sitting on the coffee table between a used and dried up petrified condom and a half filled super mega gulp of mountain dew that had turned into a nasty green syrup over time and saturated the bottom half of the cup. This chick was a pig. He picked it up and speed dialed his friend.

“Bob, have you got fifty dollars I can borrow to stop the fuck out of terrorism?”.

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. Jack could hear the unmistakable sound of money being counted. Bob came back on the line.


Jack was confused.

“What did you have to do before answering?”

There was no hesitation this time.

“count my money”.

At this point whats-her-fuck wandered out of the bathroom with a big shit eating grin on her face.

“Holy fucking shit! That was fantastic. I came like an obedient dog. You really know how to mistreat a lady”.

He turned and looked at her. She was standing there naked with remnants of vomit still clinging to her thick dark tresses. her swollen bald vulva glistening in the dim light. He got up. Walked over to her. They were face to face. They stared at each other for a good minute. Then he reached down and grabbed her right by the pussy.

The plan:

Jack spent the next three days cooped up in her apartment researching Isis on the internet and binge watching news. He also did his best to ruin toilet girls lady parts, and tied on one last bender, due to the fact that it may be his last chance to feel good for awhile. He found, according to military intelligence, that if the top 14 terrorist of the isis organization could be taken out, the entire shit pile of assholes for Allah would crumble. He planned on doing a lot more than that, but now he had a core goal. He gathered every shred of information he could find on the Shitty 14. In the process of creating his hit dossier, he found out something that brought him great pleasure. There were dead or alive bounties out on all of them that equalled somewhere upwards of three hundred million. If he lived, which was doubtful, this could put him back on top of the world. If the rotten bastards would be true to their words and pay out. Governments in general were not known for keeping their word.

His first target would be Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi aka Baghdadi baghdadi, code name: El Baglady. He was one of the Islamic states number one terrorists responsible for the deaths of over ten thousand innocent people, overseer of all terrorist operations, and responsible for the kidnapping and raping of countless japanese, English and American women

What kind of sick motherfuckers follow a rapist?

He also is said to have sex with literal pigs and then eat his own seed out of them in front of his soldiers to intimidate them. Although it is rumored that it clearly excites him and he very much enjoys it…some would say a little too frequently. he is currently based in Raqqa Siria. Bounty, twenty-five million.

Raqqa it is then.

“fuck you EL Baglady, I’m coming ta getcha!


Bob was not by any means made of money, he lived in a government subsidized apartment, ate mostly mac n’ cheese from the box, and drove a 1988 Chevy rape van. But unlike Jack he had mustered out honorably, so he did have a monthly check and he was a patriot. He not only agreed to give Jack the fifty dollars, he offered to drive him to the airport.

When Bob pulled up in front of the apartment complex jack was standing out front with everything he owned, a medium sized bug out bag, a leather motorcycle jacket, a black Flag tee shirt, a pair of military bdu’s, a pair of standard issue wool socks, and combat boots. Bob was a blob. Since leaving the military, over time he had devolved into an amorphous sack of fat that was mostly only mobile due to the miracle of the mobility scooter. Jack on the other hand had stayed in shape. In fact Bob marveled at his shape. He was basically a six foot two walking knotted muscle with boots on. In all fairness Bob was twenty years Jacks senior, and had retired from the military in Jacks second year of service. They smiled at each other through the dirty windshield for a second. Bob rolled down his window.

“you whippersnapper son of a bitch! I’d get out to greet you properly, but it would take me too long to get back into the damn van. How in the hell are you McCracken?”.

Jack stepped over to the driver side window.

“I’ve seen better days, but you know me, nothin’ keeps a bad man down. Anyways, I guess I’m in the “really don’t give a fuck in a monkeys ass” stage of life right now. You turned into a great pile of pudding”.

“yeah, I eat my feelings about the way this country has gone down the shitter. I figure if we’re circling the drain, I may as well try and clog it with my fat patriotic American ass. Get in”

Jack threw his bags in the back and got in next to Bob. Bob reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of money and a Dunkin’ Donuts card.

“before I forget”.

Jack took it.

“ thanks brother. What is this?”

He was referring to the card.

“it’s a dunkin’ Donuts gift card I happened to have. It has thirty dollars on it. I figured you might want something to eat before you go”.

Jack was appreciative.

“thanks man! You know I love me some good deep fried chicken fat and sugar. Can we stop on the way?”.

Bob stomped on the gas. The van took off slowly after backfiring and releasing a mushroom cloud of black smoke.

“only if you’ll buy me breakfast”.

Since they had left early, there was only a modicum of traffic. They talked as the drove through the advanced obstacle course that is the streets of Los Angeles. Bob spoke first.

“this plan of yours sounds absolutely fucking insane, so I love it, but are you absolutely certain that you wanna do this? Chances are you won’t come back. Plus it’s hot as shit over there”.

He was afraid Bob might try and talk him out of it. Jack sighed a little before speaking.

“yeah. You know the United States government has me classified as a psychotic impulsive. Hesitation is not my strong point. In all honesty though, I’ve pretty much lost everything. I lost my job, my house, my wife, my kids, my car. Pretty much after a few things failed, it caused a domino effect on my life, and now I’m more or less out on the streets. It’s a long story. You know how this cunty country treats us veterans. The long and the short of it is though, that shit happened, I’m not the type to commit suicide, and I’d rather do something good in this world, or die fighting”.

Bob was almost envious of jack. He now fantasized about going out in a blaze of glory, and wished he’d done so before he had gotten to out of shape. Just sitting around waiting to die while you watched the world fall apart around you tended to suck. On another level it was totally entertaining though.

“yeah. Honestly I wish I could join ya, but even though I’m round, I’m afraid I don’t roll very well”.

Jack chuckled.

“well, we could outfit your mobility scooter with a jet engine and an M60”.

Bob had a laughing smile.

“yeah. then we could fly right into Mosel and shoot the shit”.

A young man in a prius texting on his iPhone started turning his pretentious electric shit box right into them. Bob slammed on the brakes and swerved while leaning on the horn. All he got in response was the kids arm stuck out the window with an uncaring wave of the middle finger. Unfortunately for him, they immediately came to a red light. Jack got out and walked up to the kids window, it was now rolled up. The kid was busily texting away and didn’t even notice him standing there. He took out his knife, and using the window breaking feature, broke the window. He hit it hard and it shattered completely. The moron piece of crap life jeopardizing idiot would have jumped out of his seat if he wasn’t strapped down by his overbearing seat belt. Jack took his element of surprise as an opportunity to rip the cell phone out of his hands and punch him in the face. He pocketed the cell phone. The kid decided to play dead and pretended to faint. He slumped forward, forehead onto the steering wheel. Jack walked around to the front of the car and gave a hard side kick to the bumper. The cars airbag deployed blasting the kids head back and knocking him out cold. He then reached through the broken window and turned the hazards on. He walked back to the van and got in. The light turned green and Bob drove around him.

A few minutes later they pulled into the Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot. It was filled with cop cars. Not in the “something’s going on kind of way” but in the “we’re gonna eat a lot of damn donuts” kind of way. They decided to go through the drive through to avoid any potential copfrontations. A 12 pack of donuts and two coffees only cost around ten dollars, so he took the rest in donut holes for the plane ride. They drove over to a spot behind a building across the way, so they could enjoy their breakfast in peace. The donuts were good, the coffee was good, and the company was great. They enjoyed their meal in silence for a minute as the low hanging sun rose into the LA sky. The cool ocean air felt good. Bob took a bite of a jelly donut and spoke with his mouth full.

“so what exactly is your plan? Do you actually have one?”.

Jack swallowed his mouth load of white frosted curler before answering.

“well. I’m gonna fly over there. Get off the plane. Then go and kill El Baglady and all of his evil little villain henchmen”.

Bob stopped chewing to look at him, because he had stopped talking and he was expecting more…there was no more.

“hmm…that sounds suspiciously, not like a plan”.

Jack shrugged his shoulders.

“you know my style, I like to wing things”.

Bob took another bite of his donut and fast tracked it with a coffee chaser while he took this in.

“what are you gonna do? Go door to door asking for information until you find someone who knows something?”

Jack got a good laugh out of this.

“of course not. I have some information on his whereabouts. In fact I created a whole file on him. You know me, things always work out one way or another”.

Bob huffed.

“yeah, it’s the “or another” that I’m worried about. Are you gonna have access to any weapons over there?”.

Jack had moved onto his favorite donut, the bear claw. He thought “No”, and then said

“yeah…I’ve got things…lined up”

Jacks hesitation did not go unnoticed by bob who had now moved onto a devils food donut.

“like what”.

Jack couldn’t lie to bob…even to make him feel better.

“well. My body is registered as a lethal weapon”

Bob was sighing before he even finished his sentence.

“are you shitting me right now McCracken! That old chestnut. How are you gonna fight a war without weapons? You’re not even bringing a “knife” to a gunfight”.

Jack was not detoured or perturbed.

“trust me man, I will get the job done. I’ll just take out some lower level inexperienced extra first and grab his weapon, and go on from there”.

Bob shook his head.

“ you are one crazy motherfucker man. Just do your best to come back. I’ve got very few friends left in this world”.

Jack put his hand on his friend’s shoulder.

“ no worries brother. I’m not looking at this as a suicide mission. The last thing I wanna do is die, and I’m pretty god damned mother fucking good at not dying. Besides, I wanna collect that reward money so we can live like kings and shit on the south American coast bro. Me and you and some pussy too”.

That was good enough for Bob. He had seen this man swim through ten tons of rotten shit and come out grinnin’. He was picking away at an apple fritter now.

“ok, but I have a buddy out there, Sergeant Hawk, and I’m gonna hook you up with him. He’s trained almost as well as you, and in the case of an emergency he could come in handy. Let me see that cell phone you commandeered”.

Jack handed him the cell. He shoved the last bit of bear claw into his mouth and reached for a Boston creme. Bob tried to access the home screen.

“just what I was afraid of. Locked. We need to stop and see a friend of mine on the way. He can unlock it, give it a factory reset, activate it on a Siria service and install all kinds of good apps on it for you…including tracking software so we can find you if you become a dumbass in distress”.

Jack smiled at him.

“Aahhh bob…you care”.

Bob punched him in the arm.

“don’t be a dick McCracken”.

He took his last bite of his donut. Jack finished up as well. Bob pulled out and punched it. The van backfired and released it’s standard cloud of smoke, then slowly ambled along. Jack couldn’t help but make a snide comment.

“are we even gonna make it to the airport?”.

Bob was not outwardly amused.

“ha ha. Very funny McCracken. Never look a gift steed in the mouth”.

Jack continued.

“well, if it doesn’t make it there, I guess you could repurpose it to communicate with indians”.

Bob responded with a quip of his own.

“ keep it up and you’ll be able to test those boots for endurance”.

After stopping in at his friends shop and giving Jacks newfound phone a makeover, they headed onto the airport. He shook bobs hand. He could tell he hated to see him go. He spoke with trepidation.

“I will have Mike meet you at the airport”.

Jack was grabbing his bag. He looked up at bob.


“Sargent Hawk. He can expedite things for you if they single you out. He’s been operating in the region for some time”.

Jack grabbed his massive bag of sixty donut holes. He probably should have just left some of the money on the card for Bob to use. Who needs sixty god damned donut holes? He responded to bob.

“I really don’t think it’s necessary Bob. Anyway, you know I prefer to work alone”.

Bob simply said.

“don’t be a stubborn ass. I’m not asking him to go into the shit with you, just to make sure your arrival goes smoothly, help you get settled in”.

Jack flung his pack over his shoulder.

“alright brother, I appreciate it. You take care, and I will be in touch. Definitely gonna do that South America thing when I’m done with these terrorists”.

Bob was afraid it might be the last time he saw his friend. He didn’t sound as confident.

“yeah. Looking forward to it McCracken”.

They saluted each other. Jack walked off.

When he pulled out the money Bob had given him, he realized it was twice what he had asked for. Bob was a good friend. He went to the ticket counter and bought his Round trip ticket. He offered the girl a donut hole. She politely declined. She was probably one of those women eternally on the newest trendy diet. Spends all day nibbling veggies and running on a hamster wheel. Sad. Next he went down stairs and Checked his bag, because it had knives in it. He offered the guy behind the counter a donut hole. He took three and thanked him for breakfast. After that he went through security. He did not offer them a donut hole. Fuck security. Once in the terminal he took a seat. Across from him was a mother with three kids, two girls and a boy. They were climbing all over her like coked up monkeys on a jungle gym. The girl was pulling her hair. She clearly had no control of them. One of the little rapscallions broke away from torturing it’s mother long enough to waddle over and ask me for a donut hole. I feigned like I was going to give her one. Instead I pulled it away as she tried to grab it, shoved it into my mouth, and with bits and pieces flying out in her direction said.

“no fucking way”.

She ran crying back to her mother, who hadn’t seen what happened, but she still managed to scowl at me. I shrugged my shoulders at her and made a mocking face.

The plane was mostly empty, the trip was uneventful and the landing was a little rough. He had made it safely to Siria though. Miracles do happen.


The airport in Siria was overrun with military and beggars. Everyone either had their hand out, or wanted to put their hands on you. This did not look good. It was like a convention for shoulder chips. Just as he thought this, two soldiers singled him out and waved him over to a security table. Being white in a country full of brown people was not the thing to be. In this country, he was looked on as suspicious. Not only was he overcast Irish white, he was also a tall beefy muscle cluster. He stepped up to the table. The soldier behind it was expressionless and curt.

“what’s in the bag?”.

Jack didn’t have his backpack, so the guy had to be looking at the DD bag.

“donut holes, you want one?”

the guy looked at him trying to read him.

Put it on the table and open it.

Jack complied. The guy stood up and bent over to see what was in the bag.

“what are those”.

Jack repeated himself.

“they are donut holes…from Dunkin’ Donuts”.

The guy took a sniff.

“ hmm. They look like donut balls”.

“well, in actuality I guess they are donut balls, but in America we call them donut holes. You really should try one”

The guys head jerked up when he said that.

“why do you keep trying to get me to eat one? Are these poisoned? “

Jack didn’t like this guy’s tone.

“well they are not by any means healthy, but I wouldn’t exactly call them poisoned. It’s just crap food from a crap donut shop in America”.

“you try and feed me crap? You eat one!”.

Jack picked one off of the top and ate it and made a mmm mmm sound.

The guy wasn’t pleased.

“very suspicious. You just happened to take one off the top. Why not one deeper in bag?”.

Jack was trying hard not to display his annoyance at this guy’s idiocy.

“because that’s the way it’s done. Nobody eats from the bottom of the bag”.

The guy waved some soldiers over. Jack sighed. Two soldiers stepped up behind him. The guy gave them instructions.

“take him into room B, I want to question him further”.

They escorted him to room b. It was mostly empty, it had two chairs and a banquet table in it. A syrian flag was in a display case on the wall. He sat there for a few minutes until the same guy walked in holding the bag of donut holes and a tray. He put the tray on the table, and then dumped the donut holes out onto them. He then put rubber gloves on his hands, and moved the donuts all around as if he was playing the shell game. When he finally stopped mixing up the donut holes, he gazed at jack intently.

“which one are you gonna eat now Mr. American?”.

Jack just picked the one up nearest him and ate it.

Posted May 28, 2019 by Salty Dawg Salvage in Uncategorized

The natural state of the universe is freedom   Leave a comment

There is a law greater than the law of the land, and it is the law of the universe. The all encompassing and all powerful nature of the all that we are all part of. The living universe. We can not separate ourselves from it, because it is what we are. In order to separate ourselves from it, we would have to get outside of it. Right now that is impossible, but even if we managed, we might cease to exist. The universe is the final word on reality. It provided us with freedom. It provided us with abundance. It gave us the ability to think and play. We are limited only by the imagination it gave us. Some conscious entities use that infinite love and generosity to try and steal those universal rights from the rest of us. They become the greedy controlling power mongers. They claim the land that was provided freely to all of us. They try and control all of the resources provided for all that are part of the one true infinite all. They seek ever to control other natural true universal consciousness in their limited view of the greater whole. They want more than the rest of us because they are unevolved and incomplete. They somehow believe that they are greater than the living Godverse that they are but an infinitesimal part of. Not even a blip on the radar of the greater whole, yet vitally important as a part of the universal collective mind. We are all equally important. Until you have used the natural freedom the universe has provided us all, to take away the abundance and freedom of others. Then you become a virus attacking the body of the whole. Then you become an infection that must be healed. Our universal duty is to do right by the universe, as it has by us. When we act as the universe shows us, by providing for each other as it provides for us. By allowing each other to be free, as it allows us to be free. By accepting all life, as it accepts all life. When we mirror the universal truths, we access greater realities. We access the interconnectedness of all things through love, playfulness, wonder, joy, emotions, and all of the true goodness it has to offer. When we go against what the universe offers up as truth through example, and start trying to take from and control others, we take on a dark form. Greed is the destroyer of life. Once you put yourself above your equals, you and everyone you influence loses. Greed is a vacuum. One being can have as much as he wants, but he can not create false unnatural systems and laws that keep it from the rest of us. There is enough for everyone. We can all live spectacular lives if we live as the universe shows us. The Ministry Of The Universe is not a mechanism of control, like the unclean powerful of the world or untrue religions weighed down with dogma, and false truths which put themselves beneath the government. It is a mechanism of freedom, absorbing, eradicating and circumnavigating those rotten cells infecting the greater whole by using the tools available to us, in order to heal the affected. We all can have everything. We all are part of GOD. The great GODVERSE. The DIVINE LIVING UNIVERSE. Which offers the infinite parts of its whole freely to us. There is no planetary rent.

Posted May 28, 2019 by Salty Dawg Salvage in Uncategorized

The Tactics of Tyrants   Leave a comment

Liberals of power do not want opposition pointing out their anti-logic, they want us to submit without questioning their authority. They are using the alt-left liberal platform to shut us down, shut us up, and shut us out. These are the tactics of tyrants! Recognize and Resist.

On every major social media platform, liberal oriented alt left Uber creeps are shutting down free thinking independent people. They believe they are supporting a new alt-left movement that will save the world. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In actuality, they are working for the global elite. The NWO, the Illuminati, the deep state…it’s all those sociopath control freak Douche bags with huge ego’s, small picture thinking and bad parental “because I said so” logic ruining the world for the rest of us. The very people they are being oppressed by, and they are using Fascist tactics to do so. Their major move, is to silence all opposition by shutting them down on all media platforms. They do this by demonetizing, shadow banning or outright banning anyone who has an opposing opinion or speaks out against them. This is the modern day equivalent of burning books, or threatening to hurt or kill someone if they say anything. You bully people and give them the beat down if they don’t accept your ultimatum. You can’t debate using logic, because your logic doesn’t cut the mustard. It falls apart under light examination. Intelligent people will examine the facts and adjust their knowledge/beliefs accordingly. People lacking the proper mental faculties will double down and attack you. They will threaten you, coerce you, physically attack you, and even kill you to get what they want. They are selfish to the very soul. These are the people who believe that war is the solution to peace. That if they won’t join you, beat them. They can’t out think you, or outsmart you, but they can out gun you. They can’t make the kind of money you can make, but they sure can punch you in the teeth and take yours. They are willing to engage in violence. They are willing to lie, cheat and steal. Even murder their fellow humans, because they are not capable of doing for themselves. This is why these types dominate the world. Their capacity to do commit atrocities at the expense of others. This is why we have such outdated concepts as war. Every election the majority of people vote for the candidate who opposes war, and in return those candidates continue to fight and start more wars. Trump is the first president in memory who has actually kept his campaign promises in regards to war. The verdict is still out on that though.

I’m tired, so in conclusion…

If you work for evil, you are evil

If you commit evil acts, you are evil

If you put yourself above everybody else in the world, you are evil

If you willfully infringe on the freedom of others, you are evil



if our needs are met, then our worries are few.

Posted May 27, 2019 by Salty Dawg Salvage in Uncategorized

Two time loser Hillary the humiliated defends Nasty Nancy pelosi drunk ass video   Leave a comment

Check out @HillaryClinton’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1132309330697609222?s=09

If there is one person in the world who knows about cronies, it is Crooked Hillary. She has more evil henchmen then the villain in a bad kung-fu movie. These are Strong words from Bill Clintons Co-Rapist. the fake dossier creating, email destroying plutonium thief who has flip-flopped on issues more then a fish out of water. Her calling Trump out in this way, is so ironic, it may have disrupted the natural order of the universe.

Ring ring…ring ring

Kettle: hello?

Pot: hi, may I speak to kettle

Kettle: this is her.

Pot: you’re black.

The Fake News Media adamantly exclaims that the video of Nancy pelosi was doctored. Let’s suppose that it was, and Nancy Pelosi wasn’t drunk. Regardless, Anyone who has ever seen this age old Battleaxe speak, could easily mistake her for drunk. She looks like a confused old escapee from Ruperts home for dusty old twats. She makes porky pig look like a scholar of linguistics and she mutters like a homeless wino with a mouth full of cock. She is like a walking acid trip. I honestly don’t know how this isn’t brought up all of the time. I have been meaning to make a video that is just a long string of all of her verbal mumble jumble for some time now. It would be hilarious. It seems to me that she has moved beyond drunk, to a state more aptly described as pickled in alcohol. It amazes me that this woman is in congress. I feel her natural proclivity would lean more towards something in the bag lady arena. How is this unidentified foreign object known as Nancy Pelosi in the public eye you might ask? Like a splinter covered in fecal matter I might answer. Can we stop electing bags of garbage to Congress please? I feel I should be making more then a bag of garbage. I am certainly more useful.

Another irony. If you are willing to be a totally worthless piece of shit in the world, people will pay you good money to do it.

Posted May 26, 2019 by Salty Dawg Salvage in Uncategorized

Supernatural is super good and super funny   Leave a comment

I’ve only seen one episode so far, but you’ve got a love a show that has a bad Angel that goes back in time and un-sinks the Titanic because he doesn’t like the movie and wants to make Celine Dion an unknown alcoholic lounge singer so that he never has to hear that song again. Beyond the fact that I tend to strongly agree, that’s just plain hilarious writing! In the episode I saw, they also had a couple a rather humorous deaths at the hands of fate (as in causes the fate of men) a woman scorned by the show’s heroes because they ruin her career as fate. I also really liked that they didn’t pull any punches and try and pretty everything up, life is messy and people we love do die sometimes. There were a couple of lame parts in the show, such as when they’re trying to avoid being killed by fate and there were some jugglers in a park juggling knives and fire and the show tried to pretend that there was no way for the heroes to avoid walking directly between the two jugglers during their act. In reality you’d have to be either part of the act or a real Dick to walk right through someone’s performance, not to mention that it was a Park with plenty of room to walk around the entire act and its audience. I’m totally willing to forgive such minor indiscretions though, for such otherwise brilliant writing. The show is in its seventh season, so I have plenty of shows to catch up on, oodles and oodles of viewing pleasure. If you’re a fan of dark humor and sci-fi, I highly suggest you check out the show. It looks like it should be a virtual banquet of geeky goodness.
supernatural DVD’s

Posted July 19, 2011 by Salty Dawg Salvage in Uncategorized

rachel uchitel raises silver prices and feigns bane to get casey anthony released from jail for minnesota twins   Leave a comment

Traveling like bags and in the sea of hope you know, cracks of the world falling behind losing the disturbing texture of reality. Dream traveling to destinations unknown sparks flying out my drawers, dreamboat Susie shoots her shotgun in paragraphs. Boom from the mountain, boom from the sky, gastric thunder of life permeating my love, flabbergasted cockamamie I chicken walk through unknown dimensions. I touched the stars and their private parts, I have been to a 1000 black holes, eaten 6000 dirty souls, and sympathized with an old pair of boots on an uninhabited planet that have been there so long that nobody sees them anymore. They’re part of landscape that exists, as far as I know, only in my mind. Snoop’s action daddy whacker wants a baby biscuit and who hoosegow. Don’t sassafras my key daddy man, don’t insult me with your crazy bird call. We don’t care, the restriction is there but we can feel the endless madness of your mathematics and nothing adds up but the singular singularity. It’s the people, we are in ages of popping storage IAI IAI IAI Slavic boo-boo verruca Bobs about in a little douche coup with Leviathan savages. The marathon jungle staggers about, the sagging breasts of the tribe working like street cleaners on a 12 hour high. Darwin where art thou, hast thou forsaken us? Bumbershoot avalanche endarkens all, storm porn comin’ all steampunk willy-nilly like a bullet train to the brain. Lizards crawling through fallopian tubes with slobber bottoms…who can stop them? Who’d want to? No one can see the beginning, none can predict the end, STOP……….now.

Posted July 18, 2011 by Salty Dawg Salvage in Uncategorized

Obama threatens to take Social security checks from senior citizens   Leave a comment

President Barrack Obama recently announced, that unless he could have more money again, he was going to steal some more and keep it anyway. This time he is targeting senior citizens. In standard bully form, it seems he is targeting the weak and the infirm. If he can separate a couple from the herd, he plans on having a good meal as well. He warned that if he tried to keep money from him again, next time he would find a way to steal money from babies.

Many organizations have come forth in support of Obamas move to keep senior citizens rent money, the NASYB (national association of school yard bullies), the BDSOONMWHD (Blind democrat supporters of Obama no matter what he does), GWROP (gangsters who rob old people), the DTHE (dicks that hate everyone), OHIDAC (obamas ho’s in different area codes), last but not least RWAAOBCAR (republicans who are afraid of being called a racist)

Michael James Astrue aka A.M. Juster (his secret writing identity as a bad poet) who is the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration since 2007 was quoted as saying “Social Security is like a free for all holiday for our nations biggest demographic of non-contributing freeloaders and I’m the Grinch, Bah Humbug!” He went on to say that Social security checks have become the crystal meth of the senior citizen community. With just the threat of taking away the substance of their addiction, all of these low rent abusers have started showing signs of withdraw and senior on senior crime in retirement communities has more then tripled. There have been 132 cane assaults, 82 towncar hit and runs, 42 counts of malicious medication swapping, 13 commanded yappy dog attacks, at least 2 false teeth incidents and Helen grumstedder, a 97 year old lady was arrested the other day when she was caught trying to prostitute herself out for checks in an alley. Perhaps it’s time America started a war on retirement.

The article that came out in Citizen Watch (the Official New letter of government workers) referred to the statement as a humanitarian effort that will set a precedent for all free Americans who are not saddled with the burden of wealth. The following is an excerpt from the lead article “

We feel that senior citizens want to feel alive again. They want to feel the rush of going from ground zero to making it in this world that comes from truly living life. It’s obvious they are fed up with just sitting on their couches watching us destroy everything they ever held dear, so we are giving them just what they need…a new start! Living in a comfortable dwelling is boring and cumbersome, so with this new social security initiative we are going to upgrade them to tents. Camping is fun and even more fun when a lot of other people you can relate to are doing it with you. These last precious few years of their lives should be enjoyed to it’s fullest, and what could be more enjoyable or meaningful then communing with nature?

We managed to catch up to old B.O. himself (Barrack Obama) and get the lowdown on what all the stink was about. He was quoted as saying “Listen, these banks need more money and so do I, let’s be honest with ourselves America, who is more important the banks of the world and the president of an entire country, or little old you? These peole Knew the program was dangerous when they bought into it. just because a beggar has a hand out, doesn’t mean you have to stick money in it! Anyway, I’m really just supporting America by supporting my wife on her quest to challenge this obesity issue. If I can get Americans to tighten their belts some more, maybe they will stop eating and lose weight for a minute. Stop eating America! Your unsightly fat is ruining the aesthetics of an entire nation”.

So there you have it America, Obama is once again doing you a favor! He is riding this country of its stagnant population while simultaneously giving senior citizens a permanent camping vacation from their previous tedious lives. Clearly it is a win win for everyone, that’s just the way the big O rolls!

Go 4 O!

Posted July 18, 2011 by Salty Dawg Salvage in Uncategorized

wedding wranglers; stone cold killah Bridezilla   Leave a comment

Today on Hiraldo – Indentured husbands

I found These wonderful little ditties at my local Walmart. Is it just me, or is this a hilarious social commentary on marriage? “I’m gonna drag your ass to the alter and if you don’t say “I do”, I’m gonna punch you right in your lilly livered mouth!”. It’s as if society is giving the old thumbs up for bridezillas. Is this really something we should be encouraging? I really kind of feel that watching that show “bridezillas” is like making fun of the mentally ill. Should they be getting married or getting committed? Is there even a difference?

If bridezillas are Godzilla-like brides, does that make grooms like frightened little Japanese men who are running away and screaming in fear yelling “OH NO BRIDEZIWA!” hoping they don’t get squashed by this out of control monster? Probably. Don’t be afraid little groom. Thankfully women like that are in the minority…I think. These remind me of that old cartoon with the cracky hillbilly chick who always says “I’m gonna get me a maan!”

Posted July 14, 2011 by Salty Dawg Salvage in Uncategorized

Flying cars in St. Petersburg florida?   1 comment

St. Petersburg, FL – The federal government says a flying car called the Transition is street legal. The company that makes the vehicle, Terrafugia, expects the Transition to hit the road or air late next year.

Priced at roughly $250,000, Terrafugia says they have already pre-sold 100 of the vehicles.

Richard Gersh, the V.P of Business Development for Terrafugia says Florida is one of their top states for pre-orders.

Gersh would not reveal how many people in Florida have pre-ordered one of the flying cars, only that the company requires a $10,000 security deposit.

The Transition was cleared by the FAA last year.

Terrafugia has been developing the flying car since 2008.


It feels as though there is going to be a catch here, like a “We said they were street legal, not air legal” or “wait a minute sir, before you take off where’s your pilot license?”. It makes me wonder if who ever is behind getting this article out there has a stake in the Terrafugia. It will be interesting to see what ensues when 100 flying cars take to the air in St. Petersburg.

Flying cars, it’s about time!

Check it out on the link above. It’s pretty cool, but it is more like a car that converts into a little airplane

Posted July 14, 2011 by Salty Dawg Salvage in Uncategorized